Athlete's foot – a dangerous disease that most often affects the skin on the feet. Initially appears fungus between my toes, and then spreads to other areas. As it seems similar disease, the symptoms, the causes, as well as the peculiarities of treatment, a careful look at it.

Causes fungus between toes
The skin of the feet are often exposed to fungal diseases. The causes of this situation may include the following:
- reduction of protective mechanisms in the body due to the disease is infectious or inflammatory in nature?
- bad power of the lower limbs blood, causing stagnant processes in the feet?
- minor injuries of the skin in the area of the feet and between the toes.
- profuse sweating or very dry skin?
- prolonged wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes.
To cause athlete's foot can neglect the hygiene, the presence of diaper rash. In addition, the infection is able to enter the body through minor injuries to the skin during the pool and sauna.
The symptoms, the types of
Interdigital athlete's foot is various stages of development, each of which has specific symptoms.
The symptoms at an early stage of fungal infection:
- the appearance of small cracks between your fingers, specially under the little finger, as well as for the feet?
- a small flaking of skin in that area crack.
In the initial stage symptomatology slabovyražennaâ, therefore, many do not give importance to similar events, so more to promote fungal infection.
Next degree of growth of fungi between the toes to more serious symptoms. The skin appear red spots, peeling already expressed clearly. At this time, can occur bubble of education with a transparent liquid.
During the second stage of the development of the disease begin to form calluses, the skin becomes rough, appear corn. At this time peeling accompanied by itching, and sometimes burning sensation.

It was the penultimate stage of fungi between the toes is characterized by the deterioration of the situation of the affected skin. The cracks become deeper, it turns into corrosion. Developed wet fungus. Along with these symptoms, appear and other symptoms: inflammation and swelling of the affected fungus phase.
In an advanced stage of the disease are observed symptoms such as:
- the appearance of septic bubbles between the fingers, under the little finger and feet?
- pain and itch are on the increase?
- redness and irritation of the skin intense.
In addition, interdigital athlete's in the final stage it has and other symptoms. This time itchy fingers and crack the skin, to burst purulent blisters. The area between the toes to get wet, the affected nails peel, peel off, the skin appears white coating.
The appearance of any of these symptoms should alert the person and to encourage, consult a specialist. Only the early treatment gives you the ability to get rid of the disease.
The types of fungi between the toes
Fungal infection often cause three kinds of bacteria – dermatophytes, yeasts and mold. Each type of infection has a favorable environment for development. Mildew is a fungus that can grow there, where there is the warmth, the increased humidity. Yeasts that are able to affect the nail and the skin.
Often avium causing dermatophytes. The fungus mainly affects the skin between the toes starting with the big toe and the area below the little finger. This type of infection it prefers the heat and humidity. It is precisely in this environment are developed, the spores of the virus.

Treatment at home
Interdigital fungal infection requiring long-term treatment. Treatment can be performed at home. It is important to pass the examination and to confirm the diagnosis.
Complete treatment response of fungi between the toes includes treatment with medicines and folk remedies.
Treatment with drugs
Treatment with antifungal medication internal use will have to withstand external medicinal products (creams, ointments, solutions).
Creams, ointments, lotions have a harmful effect on bacteria. The use of drugs reduces flaking, itching and ulcerative processes in the skin between the toes, the feet. With their help, you can display the fungus, and to prevent recurrence.
Medical treatment prescribes the dermatologist after careful examination. On their own, and without accurate diagnosis, drugs are not recommended, as it can worsen the condition of the patient.
Treatment at home
Pharmaceutical get rid of the disease can withstand folk remedies. In this scenario, the effective tools are:
- thermal baths (salt, soda, herbs);
- lotion with hydrogen peroxide, the vinegar?
- edit mežpal'cevoj area of iodine.
These methods can help quickly get rid of the infection, eliminate the symptoms and facilitate the patient's condition.
Salt and soda bath
1 liter of water (37-40 degrees) can take 1-2 tsp. baking soda or salt. Lower your feet in a basin, and hold 20-30 minutes. To steam the skin well process of keratinized skin, peeling.
The process of doing at least 1 time a day, preferably before going to bed.
Herbal baths
Crushed mixture of dried herbs (chamomile, plantain, celandine), pour 1 liter of boiling water. Herbal collection you will need to take at least 3 tablespoons of Soar feet in the infusion, it is recommended to not be less than 20 minutes.
After baking soda and vegetable handling foot you need to process, to maximize the removal of damaged molecules of the skin. The skin brush it with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.
Lotion with vinegar
Moisten a piece of cotton in the 9%-m solution of applied scare areas. Legs in the air polyethylene, leave for 3-5 minutes. After the time expires rinse the skin with lukewarm water.

It is important that all manipulations folk remedies withstand drugs. To do this after each procedure, the affected areas lubrication antifungal ointments, creams or processing of aerosols.
Judging from experience and the comments of readers, comprehensive treatment of the disease is much more effective than the use of anti-fungal ingredients individually.
How to cure fungus in children
The appearance of fungal infection in children and can occur at any age. Why peel off the skin, it is able to identify a dermatologist. The cause may be lowered immunity, minor injuries to the skin of the feet, as well as the procedures stagnant in the lower extremities. To determine the cause and to appoint adequate therapy, the specialist will need to diagnose.
At the initial stage of fungus between toes child lacks external treatment cost ointments. From the treatment in more advanced forms when you see sores and blisters with fluid? Doctors recommend to combine antifungal and antibacterial drug.
Fungal infection you get stuck easily, and so to get rid of this is very difficult. The prevention helps not only to eliminate the disease, but also prevent a relapse.
- Hygiene. Daily washing of the feet, treatment of diaper rash, wrestling with sweating.
- Attention in public places. Saunas and swimming pools, better watch with the change of shoes. After the bath foot it is recommended that antifungal treatment aerosol or peroxide.
- Wearing comfortable shoes, dealing with corns and calluses.
- Active lifestyle that allows you to maintain good blood circulation in the lower extremities.
If in the family there is an infected person, all the shoes must be disinfected. Do not use common hygiene. After the shower, walk to best handle the ointments or aerosols, that will help to disinfect the skin.
If you see symptoms of fungi between the toes it is important to immediately seek help from someone, and in a short period of time to proceed in treatment. The time detected disease is easier to treat than advanced format.